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Publication Ethics

Editorial Code of Ethics

Decision-making authority rests with the journal's editorial board.

Arts Education and Science editorial code of ethics is based on international ethical principles for scholarly publication.

Below is a summary of our key expectations of authors, peer reviewers, editors, editorial board, and publishers.

In case of suspected academic misconduct editorial board and editors will act following the COPE guidelines.

Ethical Guidelines for Authors, Editors and Peer Viewers 

  1. Ethical Guidelines for Editors and Publishers

Editorial board and editors (chief editor) shall ensure compliance with author’s rights provided by the Russian Federation legal regulation, adhere to ethical guidelines of scholarly publishing and bear full responsibility for the content of the paper. This policy is predicated on the following principles:

  • significance and originality of submitted work;
  • validity and scientific value of research;
  • contribution acknowledgements with bibliographic citation;
  • co-author credit given to those contributed to the work presented in the manuscript;
  • taking immediate action if any errors/mistakes have been detected by author/editors before manuscript publication.

Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript shall not be shared with third parties without the author’s written consent.

Information or ideas obtained during editing shall be treated as confidential.

In case there are reasonable grounds to suspect that material is plagiarized or restrained, editor shall not accept such material for publication. Editorial board is always willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed.

Editor and publisher shall give due consideration of the complaint or claims made, governing a remedy, in case of conflict resolution.

  1. Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers

Our journal operates a double-blind peer review process.

Peer review shall not be biased and is based on the following principles:

  • any manuscript received for review is a confidential document and shall be treated as such; it shall not be shown to or discussed with others except if authorized by the editorial board;
  • the review should be an objectively reasonable evaluation,
  • value judgment should not be directed towards an author;
  • unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used for a reviewer’s personal advantage.

If a reviewer does not consider himself to be an appropriate expert to evaluate manuscripts in a certain field, or cannot be objective (for example, in case of a conflict of interest), he must inform the editor and resign from the assignment.

  1. Ethical Guidelines for Authors

Each author must bear personal responsibility for significance, novelty and validity of the content and adhere to the following principles:

  • intentionally misguided or fraudulent statements are inappropriate;
  • only true facts, events, assumptions, etc. shall be described;
  • the cited sources or thoughts of others shall be credited in the reference list;
  • redundant borrowings, as well as any plagiarism, including uncited sources, paraphrasing and illicit acquiring of the authors’ thoughts are unacceptable;
  • all references significant for the work shall be included in the paper;
  • manuscripts submitted to our journal shall neither be under consideration for publication in another journal nor be published before;
  • co-author credit must be given to those contributed to the work presented in the manuscript;
  • authorship of the work is not credited to those who has not contributed to the paper;
  • if any misinterpretations are detected by the author when the manuscript is being reviewed or after publication, the author must inform the editors about it in the shortest time possible.

Our journal retains the copyright of all published material, including design. Distribution and copying (to other websites and internet resources) or any other use of information and objects without the holder’s prior permission is allowed. Copyright is protected by law, the author having a right to turn to the court. 

Duplicate (Redundant)/Secondary Publication 

  1. Our journal publishes mainly original papers. Multiple or secondary publications are not allowed to submit. A multiple (duplicate, redundant) publication refers to publishing of a paper overlaps substantially with one already published. A secondary publication is the republishing of a previously published paper in another journal.
  2. Editor-in-Chief should be informed by authors if the material was previously published (a PhD dissertation abstract, conference proceedings, presentations of a previously published paper, chapters from books). Copies of the above materials must be attached to a submitted article for the editor to make a decision whether the article can be considered as a duplicate one.
  3. The journal has the right to check other author’s publications in international citation databases. If it is found out that an author has submitted a duplicate or secondary publication not having informed the editor, the journal has the right to reject it. If a publication is made before it is found out that a similar paper was previously published without the author’s having informed the editor, information on such publication determined as multiple will be placed in the next issue, with or without the author’s explanation.
  4. A duplicate publication is made in strict compliance with the international copyright law, publishing ethics and at the discretion of the journal.

Conflicts of Interest 

  1. General Provisions

In its Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Editors, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) defines a conflict of interest as a situation in which authors, peer reviewers or editors are involved in multiple interests, which could possibly corrupt their judgment on a paper being published. A potential conflict of interest may arise under certain financial, personal or professional involvements, which may impact a peer reviewer’s/editor’s scientific judgment and, consequently, the editorial decision-making process. 

  1. Commitments

Our journal does not require a formal conflict of interest declaration. It is implied that submitting an article for publication, an author states that:

  • all funding sources are disclosed;
  • there are no commercial, financial, personal or professional involvements due to which a conflict of interest may occur with regard to the submitted paper;

If a conflict of interest occurs, an author can:

  • ask certain editors and/or peer reviewers to be excluded from publication decisions;
  • provide a potential competing interests statement in a submission cover letter;

The editors and peer reviewers must declare about a potential conflict of interest which may influence editorial decision-making.

If an editor or a peer reviewer and an author are involved in a conflict of interest, the paper shall be passed on to another referee.

A conflict of interest declared by editors/peer reviewers does not imply that the research manuscript will be rejected.

All individuals involved in the conflict of interest should avoid situational conflicts in any forms and at any stages of the publishing process. In case any conflict of interest arises, a person the first to disclose it shall promptly inform the editorial team about it. The same thing refers to any common ethics violations. 


In some cases the journal editors may retract publications.

The reasons for retractions are the following:

  • plagiarism discovered before or after publication, including borrowings of drawings, graphs, tables, etc.;
  • third parties’ copyright claim regarding an article or its parts;
  • the same article published in another journal before being published in ours;
  • errors in publications, discrediting the research.

In such circumstances, the editors initiate an investigation which results may be followed by a retraction. A retraction document is signed by Editor-in-Chief, its copy being sent to the author.

The article is not removed from a printed edition/website. The editors release a statement and publish it on the journal’s webpage.

All well-grounded appeals concerning infringement in published papers will be scrupulously considered by the journal.

It is the author’s and peer reviewer’s responsibility to inform the editorial team about mistakes and misconduct discovered after publication as soon as possible..

Retraction Guidelines

The purpose of retractions is to correct the literature and alert readers to publications containing fraudulent information, which may be a result of honest mistake or deliberate misconduct.

Retraction takes place if:

  • a multiple or secondary publication is submitted;
  • a work is plagiarized;
  • a conflict of interest is concealed, which can impact an interpretation of information or recommendations how to use it. 

The editors consider retracting a publication if:

  • it contains fraudulent use of data, miscalculations or experimental errors;
  • the findings have previously been published elsewhere without proper referencing, permission or justification;
  • it contains plagiarism;
  • it contains unethical research. 

The editors decide whether to amend an article if:

  • it contains little wrongful information (due to honest mistakes);
  • the author/sponsor list contains incorrect information (the original author is not mentioned; a person whose contributions are not substantial enough to merit authorship listed as an author); 

The editors inform an author/authors about retraction. A retraction note shall include:

  • a clear identification of the article retracted (the author and the title of the article should be included in the retraction heading);
  • the name of the person retracting the article;
  • reasons for retraction;

In electronic versions links are added to the retracted article.

If some co-authors have no involvement in the misconduct, it should be mentioned in the retraction note.

No retraction should occur if the authorship needs to be changed, but there is no reason to doubt the validity of the findings. 

A retraction note is published in the shortest time possible in all print and electronic journal versions to reduce consequences of fraudulent publications, is in open access and contains no potentially defamatory statements.

If not much plagiarism is found in an article (for example, in several sentences), corrections are made and proper references are given. Duplicate article is retracted by all editions which have published the material included in it, except for one of the previous versions (the earliest, as a rule).

The author’s article can be reused for specific purposes. In such cases necessary corrections are made, the original source, as well as duplication reasons are specified (for example, an audience extension due to attracting a specific reader).

The editorial board expresses concern if: 

  • there is evidence of author’s misconduct, but it is not proved;
  • there is evidence that the findings are unreliable but the authors' institution will not investigate the case;
  • an investigation of authors’ alleged research misconduct has not been conducted, or no honest, objective and conclusive investigation will be conducted;
  • research misconduct investigation findings are not expected soon enough.

If the decision is made by author/authors to retract the article, they request for a retraction to the journal’s editors, clearly explaining the above decision to them. After giving their consent, the editors carry out the retraction procedure. 

If the editors take the decision to retract an article on the ground of the journal’s expertise or information obtained, they must notify author/authors about it. The corresponding author must be exposed to the retraction statement which gives reasons for the retraction and its date.

The original text and its description remain accessible on the journal’s website, with «Retracted» watermark and the retraction date. The same watermark is stamped in the Contents.

If the retraction decision is ignored by author/authors, the editors have the right to appeal to the Research Ethics Committee and scientific database (Scientific Electronic Library, Cyberleninka).

In this case the Research Ethics Committee is provided with a protocol which contains the date of the editorial team’s meeting, the list those present, investigation findings, a fully informed decision and a filled-in form including the following:

  • author’s name and the title of the article;
  • the name of the edition which the article is retracted from;
  • the retractor’s name;
  • the grounds for retraction and date of decision;
  • the link to the webpage containing the retraction note;
  • publisher’s imprint and DOI (if any);
  • the topic of the article. 

Information on retracted articles is sent to the Council of Publication Ethics of Scientific Editors and Publishers Association to be put into the retraction databases, as well as to the Scientific Electronic Library ( Information on a retracted article and its original text remain accessible on, with a clear notice of retraction included. Retracted articles and references are excluded from the Russian Science Citation Index, their indicators not being computed.

Editorial board is always willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed.

Plagiarism policy

Authors shall provide a guarantee that the submitted manuscript is an original work. If authors use works and/or fragments of texts authored by others, they provide the appropriate citation of sources.

Reasonable suspicion of plagiarism or using any techniques which make cheating possible, eliminates the manuscript from further consideration, authors being informed of the reason for the rejection. If borrowing is detected in a published article, the editor shall disavow the paper as one plagiarized and retract it (publish a statement in the journal declaring that a peer-reviewed article previously published in the journal should be considered invalid).

There are various types of plagiarism, from presenting the work of another as one’s own, and copy-pasting or paraphrasing a substantial portion of other authors’ published works without citing, to claiming copyrights for another person’s research results.

Intentional appropriation of authorship of somebody else's scientific or artistic works, ideas or inventions is copyright and patent infringement and might entail legal consequences.

The editorial board considers the following cases to be plagiarism:

  • using material (verbatim citation) regardless of the percentage without indicating the source;
  • using images, drawings, pictures, tables, graphs, charts, and all other forms of graphical representation of information without indicating the source;
  • using images, drawings, pictures, tables, graphs, charts, and all other forms of graphical representation of the information published in scholarly and popular periodicals without consent of a copyright holder;
  • using material without written permission of authors or copyright holders.

The editorial board considers the following cases to be inappropriate borrowing:

  • improper reference to the original source;
  • incomplete bibliography;
  • lack of reference to the sources included in the reference list;
  • hypercitation (with references to the sources), which is not substantiated by the purpose of the paper;

If required, editors can use tools performing more rigorous plagiarism check. 

If any technologies are traced
raising the originality of the text, such articles are not to be published, even after they are reworked by the author. Reviewers, as well the author’s educational institution administration, if any, are informed of this incident by the editors.

Reviewers and authors should be aware of the international standards requirements for the quality of scientific research and typography of the articles.

Editors of the Publisher must comply with the ethics of relations in regard to the settlement of the editorial conflicts of interest.