Editors of the journal «Art Education and Science» invites to cooperate all authors who write on the topic of social and cultural rehabilitation of disabled people by means of Art, Art education, its methodology, methods of teaching according to the secondary and higher professional Art education programs, additional education in Art, including inclusive education. The journal provides opportunities for scientific debates and exchange of professional experience and scientific ideas not only in pedagogy of Art, but also of the theory and history of different kinds of Art.
The main objectives of the journal are:
1) association of scientific and practical potential of scientists and teachers of different scientific disciplines, who are ready for sharing of professional experience and author`s scientific ideas in pedagogy of Art, theory and history of different kinds of Art;
2) involvement of teachers, scientists, artists with disabilities in the active professional, scientific, performing, creative and practical activity;
3) development of inclusive art education by joint professional efforts.
The founder of the journal is the Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts — the unique university not only in the country but in the world, which makes it possible to obtain a complete higher Art education for people with disabilities.
The Academy has created optimal conditions for teaching and studying of all categories of students, both healthy and with various disorders of hearing, vision, or musculoskeletal system. Training is conducted with the use of unique author's methods, allowing to realize the creative potential of each student.
Numerous awards won by the students of RGSAI in the Russian and international competitions and festivals, as well as the success of graduates in their further artistic and teaching activities, give evidence of their professional level.
The active research and methodical work is conducting in the Academy. The team of RGSAI participates and organizes conferences, round tables, seminars and master classes. Every year the professors and teaching staff of the Academy publish over a hundred monographs, articles and training and method books.
In 2013 the Centre for the Study of the creative rehabilitation of disabled people by means of Art was established. The activity of this structural unit is aimed to the collection and preservation of methodological and pedagogical experience of the teaching staff of the Academy and to the publication of works on various specialized topics.
In RGSAI there are 3 departments: music, theater and visual arts. Teaching, methodical and scientific work of the departments is provided by 11 sub- departments. In addition to the Bachelor`s and specialist programs in the Academy two more training programs are realized. The first one is the trainee-assistant program which includes Musical Instrument Performance, Vocal Performance, Fine Arts, Actor`s Skill. The second one is the postgraduate training program in Art History and Education and Pedagogical sciences.
The scientific potential of the Academy cannot be developed without its own organ of press, that publishes the results of our research and innovation activity, attracts the attention to a particular development, consolidates all those who are interested in this or that problem, disciplines the research practice.
We offer the authors from all regions of Russia to actively participate in creating of the content of the journal, its scientific personality. I am glad to mention that the journal has a definite international perspective. The works of not only Russian but also foreign competent authors are published in the journal.
I would particularly like to appeal to our young scientists. This journal is for you, young teachers, researchers, master`s students, postgraduates and doctoral students. The Editorial Board is looking forward to cooperating with scientists and experts in Art education, the theory and history of Art. Contribution to our publication will help you to find like-minded business partners, to participate in scientific discussions and to express your point of view on important aspects of scientific and practical activities.
Good bye now and good luck to you, dear authors and readers of the journal!
Alexander Yakupov, Professor, Doctor of Arts,
Editor in Chief of the journal «Art Education and Science»