Art education and science
scientific magazine
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Magazines №2(35) (2023)
Magazines №1(34) (2023)

About the Journal

Arts Education and Science / ISSN 2410-6348, eISSN: 2658-5251 / is a Russian academic journal included in the list of research journals ( peer-reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation in the following areas: 

  • 00.00 Pedagogical Sciences specialties:
  • 00.01 — General Pedagogy, The History of Pedagogy and Education;
  • 00.02 — Theory and Methods of Teaching (disciplines/levels of education);
  • 00.08 — Theory and Methods of Professional Education


  • 00.00 Art History specialties:
  • 00.01 — Theatre;
  • 00.02 — Music;
  • 00.04 — Fine and Applied Arts and Architecture;
  • 00.06 — Technical Aesthetics and Design;
  • 00.09 — The Theory and History of Art

The journal also publishes works in the field of cultural studies

  • 00.00 Culturology specialty:
  • 00.01 — The Theory and History of Culture

The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision in Mass Media, Communications and Cultural Heritage Protection (Registration Certificate PI No. FS77-59742 dated 10.30.2014).


Our journal covers Russian and international arts history-, culture- and pedagogy-related aspects. Embracing a wide range of issues relating to the history and theory of culture and arts, teaching methodology and methods, inclusive education challenges, and education management, the journal presents cutting-edge research results. Among the authors are reputable art historians, culturologists, educators, young investigators and practitioners, doctoral students, PhD students and students of the Russian Specialized Academy of Arts, partner universities, other higher educational and research institutions of Russia and foreign countries.

The thematic sections fit the journal’s research orientation in art history, pedagogy, cultural studies.


  • Methodology and Teaching Methods 
  • Theoretical Issues of Art and Arts Education
  • The History of Art and Arts Education
  • Interpretation in the Performing Arts
  • Culture, Arts and Humanities
  • Folklore
  • Socialization and Vocational Training for Persons with Disabilities
  • Accessibility to Cultural Services for Persons with Disabilities in the Russian Federation 
  • Education Management
  • Economics, Philosophy and Sociology of Culture 



13.00.00 Pedagogical Sciences 

  • Music education: methodology, theory, methods, practice
  • Theatre education: methodology, theory, methods, practice
  • Arts education: methodology, theory, methods, practice
  • Professional music education
  • Professional arts education
  • Professional theatre education
  • The theory and practice of inclusive education
  • Education organization and management
  • Educational quality 

17.00.00 Art History  

  • Theatre 
  • Нistory and theory of acting
  • Acting, directing and scenery
  • Theatrical architecture
  • Theatre management and producing 
  • Music
  • Theory and history of music
  • Music research methodology
  • Musical folklore
  • Music performance
  • Organology
  • Music informatics
  • Music textology and musical notation
  • Music management and producing 
  • Fine and Applied Arts and Architecture
  • History and theory of fine and applied arts and architecture
  • Fine and applied arts and architecture research methodology
  • Fine and applied arts and architecture management and producing 
  • Technical Aesthetics and Design
  • Aesthetics and design of consumer products/services and advertising
  • Exterior aesthetics and design
  • Service enterprise interior aesthetics and design 
  • Theory and History of Art
  • Classical art
  • Mass and popular art
  • Folk art and arts & crafts
  • Research methods for art studies 

24.00.00 Culturology  

  • Theory and History of Culture
  • Theory of culture
  • History of culture
  • Philosophy of culture
  • Sociology of culture
  • Cultural anthropology
  • Economics of culture
  • Applied culturology
  • The history of culturological doctrines
  • Cultural policy: traditions and current trends
  • Cultural management 

Published four times a year, the journal welcomes experts and PhD and doctoral seekers in art history, pedagogy and culturology.

Archive is available on the journal website, as well as the Russian Electronic Scientific Library, the journal being included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).

Since 2019, all the Arts Education and Science articles have been assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) –– an alphanumeric identifier, which is used to permanently identify an article or a document and link to it on the web, its remaining associated with this article/document. A DOI helps a reader easily locate a document from an author’s citation.


Arts Education and Science is one of the leading Russian academic journals in the field of art history, cultural studies and arts education.

Established in 2014 by the Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts, it publishes articles covering all areas of contemporary art history, including source studies, the theory and history of fine arts, theatre and music; cultural studies, including the history, theory, philosophy and sociology of culture, and highlights arts education-related issues. Our authors represent internationally recognized schools in the field of art history, culture, research and education, as well as research centers. Papers in Russian, English and Chinese are accepted for publication after being double-blind peer-reviewed.

Describing the achievements, trends and challenges related to the above mentioned fields, the editorial team gives special attention to educational challenges faced by persons with disabilities and their vocational training, as the Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts is attended by a considerable number of such students.

The policy of the editorial board and editorial staff of the journal is based on modern Russian copyright law and international publishing ethics. When making editorial decision on the paper being submitted, its reliability, validity, scientific value and relevance are taken into account.

Our Journal has joined the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI).

The major tasks of our journal are the following: 

  • to bring together educators and researchers to exchange professional experience and ideas in the field of cultural studies, as well as the history, theory and pedagogy of music, theatre, and visual arts;
  • to introduce artistically gifted persons with disabilities to performing, research, teaching and other activities in the field of culture, art and pedagogy;
  • to discuss development trends of arts-related inclusive education with all interested persons;
  • to cover the PhD students’ research results in various fields of arts, culture and pedagogy;
  • to provide foreign experts with opportunities to publish their research results.

Editorial staff seeks to publish research results in the field of arts education, theory and history of culture and arts (music, painting, theatre, cinema, etc.), inclusive education in the Russian Federation and abroad. 

The journal is intended for educators, students, as well as those interested in arts education, theory and history of culture and arts.