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Editorial board

Yakoupov Alexander, Editor-in-Chief, Rector of the Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts, Professor, Doctor of Arts, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Russia

Evgeniya Tsvetkova, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Associate Professor, PhD in History of Art, Russia

Elena Blagireva, First Vice-Rector for Public Relations and Social Projects, Professor, Department of Humanities, the Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts, PhD in Economics, pro-bono Advisor of the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, Russia

 Andrei Bobikin, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Arts, Member of Presidium of the Russian Academy of Arts, Academic Secretary of Department of Design, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, PhD in History of Art, Russia

Alexandr Volodin, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, the Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts, Associate Professor, Doctor of Pedagogy, Russia

 Anatoliy Belogurov, Professor, Pedagogy and Psychology Department, Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Pedagogy, Russia

Elena Dolinskaya, Professor, the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, the Leopold and Mstislav Rostropovich Orenburg State Institute of Arts, the Magnitogorsk State Conservatory named after M. I. Glinka, the Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts, Doctor of Arts, Russia

Mikhail Imkhanitsky, Professor, the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music, Doctor of Arts, Russia

Irina Irkhen, Head of PhD Studies, Professor, the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet, Doctor of Culturology, Russia

Galima Uralova, Professor, the Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts, PhD in Philosophy, Doctor of Arts, Russia

 Ludmila Mikheeva, Professor, the Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts, Doctor of Philology, Russia

Sergei Sinetsky, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, the Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture, Doctor of Culturology, PhD in Pedagogy, Russia

Oleg Smolin, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the State Duma First Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Education, Doctor of Philosophy, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Vice-President of the All-Russian Association for the Blind, Russia

Ruslan Tchudinsky, Chief, Laboratory of Educational Measurement, Institute for Education Development, the Voronezh Region State Budget Institution of Supplementary Vocational Education, Associate Professor, Doctor of Pedagogy, Russia

Lubov Shirshova, Professor, the Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts, Doctor of Arts, Academician of the Russian Academy of Art, Russia

Olga Shlykova, Deputy Director of Civil Society and Social Communications Research and Education Center, Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Doctor of Culturology, Russia

International editorial board members

Junita Batubara, PhD Professor, the Republic of Indonesia

Leone Jenarelli, Professor, Italy

Abhai Mauria, PhD Professor, India

Umitzhan Dzhumakova, Professor, Department of Musicology and Composition, the Kazakh National University of Arts, Doctor of Arts, the Republic of Kazakhstan

Dilovar Latifzoda, Professor, Department of Culturology and Museum Studies, the Mirzo Tursunzoda Tajik State Institute of Culture and Arts, Doctor of Pedagogy, Tajikistan

Igor Peremislov, Professor, Argosy University & Business School, Doctor of Business Administration, USA

Editorial staff

Executive editor: Tatyana Shatrova, Head of Editorial Office, the Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts

Editor: Elena Rostunova

Interpreter: Elena Rostunova

Design and desktop publishing: Olga Sviridova